Shakespeare Afmæli luncheon 2023

The Shakespeare Afmæli Award luncheon 2023 – DETAILS TO BE CONFIRMED

The Shakespeare Afmæli luncheon er hefðbundin hluti af árshátíðir Shakespeare afmæli í Stratford-upon-Avon og fer fram í kjölfar árlegrar afmælið göngunni.

Shakespeare-afmælishádegisverðurinn er í boði Pragnell þann 22 Apríl, 2023.

DETAILS TO BE CONFIRMEDmore information in the Lunch and how to purchase tickets can be found hér.

Stratford-upon-Avon söngvari verður að koma hæfileika sína til haldinn Shakespeare Afmælisdagur

A Stratford-upon-Avon söngvari sem hefur unnið fyrir fyrrverandi Erkibiskupinn af Kantaraborg verður nú að koma hæfileika hennar til Shakespeare Hátíðahöld afmæli um helgina.  

Mezzo sópran Millie Underwood, sem hefur komið fram á Efstu atburðir eins Meistarar Tennis í Royal Albert Hall og alþjóðlegum Rugby leiki, mun Nú er hægt að hjálpa heimabæ sínum til að fagna stærsta helgi í dagbók sinni á laugardagur, Apríl 27 og sunnudagur, Apríl 28.

Millie sagði: "Ég er hæstánægður með að vera að taka þátt í hátíðahöld sem hafa myndast svo grundvallaratriði hluti af æsku minni og að hjálpa Stratford-upon-Avon til að fagna arfleifð í Bárðar. Ég er virkilega hlakka til allra hátíðir!"

Sarah Summers, Town Clerk fyrir Stratford-upon-Avon Town ráðið sagði: "Millie er dásamlegt viðbót við pökkuðum áætlun okkar á atburðum sér stað á Shakespeare haldinn Afmælisdagur helgi og við erum mjög spennt að hún er í boði til að hjálpa okkur að fagna. "

Skrúðgangan fer fram frá 10:30er í Bridge Street og yfir helgina verður einnig Quill athöfn, National Living Statue Championships, Artisan dómstólar mat og markaður, ókeypis námskeið, götu skemmtun og scarecrow Festival.

Fyrir frekari upplýsingar um haldinn Afmælisdagur Shakespeare, skaltu fara

Hér kemur Hátíðahöld Shakespeare afmæli 2019

Stratford-on-Avon District Council is hoping the two-day Shakespeare’s Birthday Celebrations will pump more than £3 million into the local economy.

A whole host of special events in Stratford-upon-Avon is set to draw crowds of thousands of locals as well as UK and international tourists to the area for the festivities on Saturday, Apríl 27 og sunnudagur, Apríl 28.

Organisers are hoping the festivities will be able to top the 2018 event which saw a £3 million spend in the local economy as a direct result of the festival.

The celebration parade and flag unfurling ceremony on the Saturday will see huge crowds line the streets of the town with the weekend of celebrations culminating on the Sunday with Shakespeare’s quill being carried from his Birthplace to be placed in the hand of the effigy of the Bard which overlooks his grave at Holy Trinity Church.

Street entertainment is a prominent feature of the celebrations with the National Living Statue Championship returning to the town for 2019, drawing international champions in the art of living statue performance to the region, along with an array of other fun activities and competitions.

Helen Peters, CEO of Shakespeare’s England who help to organise and promote the celebrations, við: „Í 2018, meira en 10 million tourist trips were made to visit the home of Shakespeare with his birthday celebrations being a peak period for international and domestic travellers and bringing nearly £3 million to the local economy across the weekend of celebrations.

“These impressive figures show how important the legacy of Shakespeare is to the area and how key it is for the local community to continue supporting his birthday celebrations.”

Cllr Maurice Howse, Business, Tourism and ICT Portfolio at Stratford-on-Avon District Council said: “The Shakespeare Birthday Celebrations are a great occasion for residents and visitors alike.

“Seeing participants and visitors enjoy the Birthday Parade and other cultural and heritage attractions, stay in our hotels and guest houses and eat in our restaurants over the two-day event is vital for our local economy and for the future development of the Shakespeare’s Celebrations experience.”

Dr Delia Garratt, director of cultural engagement at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, við: “Stratford is a global meeting place for people to come together to celebrate the life, times and works of William Shakespeare, and the Birthday Celebrations are the high point of our year.

“This, of course, is an extra special year as it marks the 250th anniversary of the prominent actor and theatre manager David Garrick’s Shakespeare Jubilee here in Stratford. Held in 1769, it is considered to be the event that established Shakespeare as a playwright and poet of international and enduring significance, and started the Shakespeare tourism industry in the town.”

Geraldine Collinge, Forstöðumaður viðburðum og sýningum í Royal Shakespeare Company, sagði: “Shakespeare is for everyone, and the annual Shakespeare Birthday Celebrations are a fantastic opportunity for people from all walks of life to engage with the life of history’s most celebrated playwright and poet.

“Stratford is a globally renowned tourist attraction for the quality of its entertainment, education and tourism industry, and there is something special about enjoying the work of William Shakespeare in his physical and spiritual home.”

Follow @Shakespearescel on Twitter to keep updated with celebrations plans or visit

Shakespeare’s Birthday Celebrations will back with a bang for 2019!

Fyrsta Bretlandi National Living Stytta Championship dregur listamenn um allan heim

19 Mars 2018

Fyrsta Bretlandi National Living Stytta Championship dregur listamenn um allan heim

Stratford-upon-Avon mun leika gestgjafi til fyrsta í Bretlandi National Living styttan Championship á 20-22 Apríl sem Hátíðahöld Shakespeare og LSD Promotions hafa tekið höndum saman í þessu spennandi þáttur í nýja útlitið 2018 Afmælisveislan.

A vörumerki-nýr hápunktur langan þriggja daga ýkjuverk, sem Championship gefur frábært tækifæri fyrir atvinnu og yngri Living Styttur að kasta á móti samkeppni til að vinna reiðufé verðlaun. Forrit til að taka þátt í keppninni hafa nú lokað og listamenn flykktust hvaðanæva úr heiminum til að taka þátt í stofnfundi samkeppni.

Cllr George Atkinson, Formaður Stratford-on-Avon District Council sagði "Living Styttur eru afar vinsælar og draga fólkið í bæjum og borgum um allan heim. Having fyrsta UK National Living Statue Championship er algjör coup fyrir Stratford-upon-Avon og við erum mjög ánægð með að hafa þetta form af list skemmtun bætti við tilboð okkar. "

Samkeppnin keyrir á laugardag 21 Apríl og sunnudagur 22 Apríl í Bancroft Gardens og hefur tvo flokka - faglega (fyrstu verðlaun £ 5000) og yngri (fyrstu verðlaun £ 50). Sérfræðingar þurfa að ljúka að minnsta kosti fimm 45 mínútu sýningar um helgina, með yngri vopnaður út fjórum 30 mínútu sýningar á meistaramótinu.

Dermot McGillicuddy, Forstöðumaður LSD Tilboð sögðu: "Viðbrögðin við atburði hefur verið frábær. Við höfum listamenn mæta frá Spáni, Grikkland, Holland, Pólland, Úkraína, Cleveland, Írland og frá yfir Bretlandi. Við höfum einnig bæði núverandi barnið heimsmeistari og núverandi hollenska barnið meistari svo það lofar vissulega að vera mikill viðburður. Við getum ekki beðið eftir að sýna fram á að bjóða mikinn fjölda efstu hæfileika sem í boði. "

Cllr Victoria Alcock, Bæjarstjóri Stratford-upon-Avon sagt: "Á hverju ári Stratford-upon-Avon buzzes með eftirvæntingu eins og Celebrations Shakespeare Afmæli sér stað og á þessu ári hafa nýtt Championship tryggir að það er non-stöðva skemmtun í boði. Stærsta okkar árlega atburður er stillt á að verða enn stærri!".

Sigurvegarinn verður tilkynnt frá Bandstand á afþreyingar jörðu á 4.15pm á sunnudaginn 22. apríl. Það verður pallborð dómara sem vilja heimsækja hvert listamann yfir laugardag og sunnudag og merkja þá á milli 1-5 á ýmsum þáttum þar á meðal eðli sínu, búning og gera upp.

Til að skoða fimm efstu ábendingar frú Matronic er á að verða lifandi styttu vinsamlegast Smelltu hér.

Stars lána stuðning sem 451 afmælið Shakespeare byrjar

Celebrities from the world of literature and theatre are united in their support for the annual festivities about to get under way in Shakespeare’s home town.

Shakespeare's 450th Birthday Cake in 2014
Shakespeare’s 450th Birthday Cake in 2014
Shakespeare 451St Birthday Celebrations reach their climax on Saturday 25th April with the iconic annual parade through the streets of Stratford-upon-Avon. It’s the highlight of a feast of entertainment throughout the festival weekend which has something to please everyone. The commemorative events have taken place since 1824 but the aim remains the same: to remember the fascinating legacy of William Shakespeare, playwright and poet, and to celebrate it here for generations to come.

High profile personalities who have pledged their support by becoming Patrons of the Friends of Shakespeare’s Celebrations are enthusiastic in their praise. Dame Janet Suzman said:

“It seems to me as obvious as the heat of the sun that celebrating the birth of the world’s greatest poet must continue till doomsday. It’s one of the only really lovely national events in any given year that absolutely no-one can bicker about.”

All the traditional ceremonies and customs will be happening over a packed 4 day period beginning on Shakespeare’s actual birthday, 23Rd Apríl. There are events, activities and entertainment, the vast majority free of charge, for all the family to enjoy.

David Bradley, actor and another Patron of the Friends of Shakespeare’s Celebrations has fond memories of the procession. He said: “I remember well the excitement of taking part in the Birthday Parade for the first time with my children at my side and on my shoulders, carrying their little sprigs of Rosemary, and the streets lined with so many people, locals and visitors alike, all the way to Holy Trinity Church.”

The spectacular Parade will kick off at 10.30am on Saturday 25th April this year, with West Midlands Fire Service Band leading guests from the Town Hall to Bridge Street ready for the ceremonies. ‘Shakespeare’ will leave his birthplace in Henley Street with Coventry Corps of Drums and his Horse Drawn Birthday Cake, which will be led by horses Vesper and Beatrice. They will then begin the symbolic ‘cradle to grave’ journey.

The lively and colourful procession will take a newly extended route via Shakespeare’s Birthplace to Holy Trinity Church to symbolise the Bard’s life journey in the town, from the cradle to the grave and give more people a chance to watch the spectacle as it takes in Wood Street, Windsor Street og Henley Street.

There will be a variety of events and activities throughout the town all day and at 4pm visitors will be treated to The Great Morris Flashmob which will be taking place at Bancroft Gardens. The day will come to a close at 7.30pm with a ‘Singing Shakespeare’ concert in the Guild Chapel with Khymerikal – a contemporary chamber ensemble specialising in the performance of twentieth and twenty-first century.

Allan daginn, there will be plenty going on to entertain everyone, including a Shakespeare Show Window Trail Competition offering some competitive family fun. Look out for shops with black and gold balloons outside and window displays with a Shakespeare theme!

New approach

There is a new approach to funding the event through Hátíðahöld Shakespeare: a local initiative jointly led by Stratford-upon-Avon Town Council and Stratford-on-Avon District Council to generate financial and practical support for the traditional celebrations and safeguard their future for the town.

‘Agincourt’ Cake

After an impressive debut last year, Shakespeare’s Big Birthday Cake makes a welcome return to the parade, freshly decorated with a ‘Battle of Agincourt’ theme by community arts groups and local schoolchildren. It will once again take pride of place on its horse drawn carriage.

Future plans

Beyond the 2015 festivities, local organisations including key players: Shakespeare Fæðingarstaður Trust, the Royal Shakespeare Company and Stratforward Business Improvement District Company, will be working with Shakespeare’s Celebrations to develop a special timetable of events for another landmark year in 2016. Four hundred years since Shakespeare’s passing there are plans for even more exciting things to see and do at next year’s festival!

heimsókn for full details of what’s happening when and where at Shakespeare’s Birthday Celebrations 2015.


ATHUGASEMDIR til ritstjóra

  1. Fyrir fjölmiðla fyrirspurnir um Hátíðahöld Shakespeare, vinsamlegast hafðu samband við Rebecca Murphy á Syndicate Communications, 07805 691831, eða með tölvupósti
  2. Blaðamenn og ljósmyndarar sem vilja ná afmælisveislan á 25 Apríl 2015 í Stratford upon Avon ættu að skrá áhuga þeirra nú til þess að fá staðfestingu. Vinsamlegast sendu fyrir frekari upplýsingar.
  3. Hátíðahöld Shakespeare er frumkvæði í sameiningu undir forystu Stratford á Avon bæjarstjórn og Stratford á Avon District Council, vinna til að tryggja framtíð hefðbundnum Shakespeare haldinn Afmælisdagur. Helstu stofnanir í Stratford þ.mt Shakespeare Fæðingarstaður Trust, the Royal Shakespeare Company and Stratforward will be working with them to develop a major timetable of events for 2016 til að fagna arfleifð Bard 400 ár frá dauða hans í 1616.